Decor Doesn't Take a Holiday

I have been very fortunate this summer to have escaped not once but twice to cottages. Nothing like a change of scenery and pace to make you truly appreciate down time and summer!

The cottages we rented were beautiful and well equipped which made our stays comfortable, with lots of seating areas perfect for a calm cuppa in the a.m. or a peaceful sip of something delish late in the afternoon. The serenity is addictive and it’s always so hard to leave these places!

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Paint Finish Cheat Sheet

I know a number of you plan to paint and it truly is a quick, economical and relatively easy way to update and refresh your homes.

I say relatively easy as a trip to the local home improvement store for paint can mean you are faced with A LOT of questions and decisions. The first involves the type of finish you want: matte, eggshell or semi-gloss? Next is the type of paint: alkyd, latex, oil? Read on for time saving tips.

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Interior Decor With Lift

This month’s guest blogger is a unique company that not only produces furniture and decor that are works of art but that bring a whole new meaning to ‘upcycle and repurpose’. Mike and Carolynn at Craviations, use repurposed helicopter parts to create designs that “reflect your love of aviation and showcase your sense of adventure.”  (

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4 Steps to Hanging a Gallery Wall

Over time we accumulate pictures, art work, mementos and decor items that we’d like to display and enjoy rather than leave tucked away in cupboards and drawers. This is often best achieved in the form of a gallery wall. The following steps will help you achieve a beautiful look without creating more work and effort.

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4 Tips for Styling Stems

We all have those awkward corners and spaces in our home, those areas that cry out for a touch of decor and style. It can be challenging to know just what to tuck into these spaces – I know I have a couple that have challenged me! For one of those corners I have a distressed ‘sap’ bucket that I use for faux stems that I update for each season and celebration.

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